This Sunday many of our "regular" students were away for the weekend and I expected a small class, but by the time my iPhone struck noon, we had more than 10 yogis expectantly waiting for the practice to begin.
I learned the "I am, here now" mantra from Sarah W. She had borrowed it from another yoga teacher and made it her own, and I liked the idea of doing the same, of bringing my own interpretation to the simple phrase. One of my biggest challenges, both teaching and practicing, is to stay present. Breaking down the huge task of living in the moment into one phrase paired with one inhale and one exhale was wonderfully manageable. As a type A, it's easy for me to get caught up not only in multitasking and dispersing my attention, but also in berating myself for doing so. It's a vicious cycle, and I wanted to take the opportunity of teaching this class to escape it, at least temporarily.
I looked out at the class, their legs crossed, their hands by their sides, and their eyes gently shut, and I felt inspired. The words "I am, here now," along with their studied focus, swept me along smoothly through the 60-minute class, and as we came to a close, heads bowed, watching the rise and fall of our own breath, I felt present too. I felt like we were all in it together. I don't often consciously think about the priority we place on our individuality, but moments of community like this remind me that it's importance to find a counter balance.
Sarah B.
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